Saturday, March 29, 2014

Chris Hayes tries to deal with a boatload of Koch crazy

and another showing of republican audacity of blind deaf and dumb arrogance, if it doesn't make sense it's republican ya betcha.

Screenshot of MSNBC interview, Chris Hayes and Jennifer Stefano
attribution: Scott Wooledge

The look on Hayes' face says it all.
Chris Hayes tried valiantly, Wednesday evening, to get Americans for Prosperity Pennsylvania State Director Jennifer Stefano to explain exactly why conservatives were so upset that people who have already started their Obamacare applications by March 31 will have two weeks to complete those applications, and just why more people getting health insurance was such a horrible thing. It didn't work.

She started out by asserting that this extra two weeks would take health care away from her children. Really. Hayes tried to get an explanation about how that exactly would happen, and Stefano insisted that the extra two weeks would "not allow people to go back and change this law," and that the law has "made seven million people lose their insurance." How that affects her own children remains a mystery. But she doesn't need actual facts. She just needed to yell loud enough and long enough to not allow Hayes to counter. Which she did.
"As a mother, I take real offense that women are being forced to have no choices to cover their children," Stefano continued.
"What are you talking about?" an incredulous Hayes responded, before arguing that much of the "heavy lifting" under the law would be accomplished by expansion of state Medicare [sic—Medicaid] programs, which have been frequently been opposed by conservatives. […]
"Do you believe in Medicaid expansion?" Hayes asked.
"I have a real problem, when you talk about raising the poverty level, that's people making $94,000 a year," she said. "They're not poor. That is taking resources from the poor."
"Not on the Medicaid expansion," Hayes said, shaking his head.
"The expansion of Medicaid is a moral issue, not an economic one" Stefano charged.
"That's a math trainwreck, that's not the Medicaid expansion," he said.
good to see republican deer in the headlights "strategy" is no longer working they speak loud, over talk, mislead, misinform, flat out lie and repeat all of the above in a loop of insane idiocy.  the representatives they put out get so flustered but relentless they don't hear what they are saying must not have read it before saying it either because they confuse today's lies with last week's lies or their talking point take priority over their long dead self respect.

i wonder when they see the after post what do their friends and family think of them more important what do they think of themselves?  or do they like O'Reilly go back high five and talk about how they took it to the left oblivious to the laughter echoing through the streets?