Beneath all the partisan fury about Obamacare lies a surprisingly fundamental question: Just what exactly counts as health insurance?A recent ad produced by an anti-Obamacare organization illustrates the issue. The Americans for Prosperity video features a Tennessee woman named Emilie Lamb whose monthly health insurance premium under Obamacare rose to $373 from $52.Lamb, a 40-year-old accountant from Lawrenceburg who suffers from the chronic, incurable auto-immune disease lupus, is unhappy about the price hike. "I thought that Obamacare was going to be a good thing. Instead of helping, Obamacare has made my life almost impossible," she says in the Americans for Prosperity video.
this right wing cash cow made that other lying commercial with that Boonstra women sperwing the say lie and here they go again, how many fake insurance stories are they going to put out, not one has been true, even after their trolling the country for disaster stories connected to ObamaCares all they can come up with is payed perpetrators of their misinformation.
they need a name change to "anti Americans for their own prosperity. wonder what family and friends think of these sellouts to rightwing propaganda?
To pay for the increase, Lamb took a second job doing bookkeeping on weekends and now works more than 50 hours a week, she wrote in an email to The Huffington Post. She's also published an op-ed in the New York Post, was the subject of another anti-Obamacare op-ed by Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) in The Hill, and wasBlackburn's guest at the State of the Union address in Washington, D.C., last month.Yet, it's debatable whether Lamb was ever really "insured" under her old plan, a subsidized Tennessee state program called CoverTN, for people who earn up to $55,000 a year.That policy only covered Lamb's medical costs up to $25,000 a year. Had she gone over that amount and incurred thousands of dollars in hospitalization costs -- a real possibility for someone with her condition -- she would've been thrown into debt like so many other Americans in the pre-Obamacare landscape. Her old plan alsolimited how many times she could see a doctor in a year and capped hospitalization benefits.If real health insurance were available for $52 a month, that's what everyone would have. BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee, which administered Lamb's policy, didn't even call it "insurance," instead describing it as a "limited-benefit plan," the pro-Obamacare group Families USA noted in a 2009 report critical of CoverTN.Lamb's new insurance, a top-notch "platinum" plan from the health insurance exchange, offers unlimited annual coverage, has no deductible, limits out-of-pocket expenses to $1,500 a year and comes with a rich benefits package as mandated by the Affordable Care Act. Lamb qualified for a tax credit that reduces her premiums by about $15 a month.
deception is their game and it's at your expense especially if you buy into it. midterms extremely important they can be the the template for the near future and possibly on, they will stack all parts of gov't they can to make it harder to undo what they have planned.
out right lies by your fellow Americans at the beck and call of those who would be kings you know like they tried to say Pres. was at least he's not buying others to carry their tainted water.