Friday, March 14, 2014

House backs bill to sue president over laws -

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WASHINGTON (AP) — Casting Barack Obama as a president run amok, the House voted on Wednesday for a bill that would expedite congressional lawsuits against the chief executive for failure to enforce federal laws.
The vote was 233-181 in the Republican-led House as GOP lawmakers excoriated Obama for multiple changes to his 4-year-old health care law, steps he's taken to allow young immigrants to remain in the United States and the administration's resistance to defend the federal law banning gay marriage.
 so what i'm walking away with is republican led congress wants to sue Pres. for not being a bigot and supporting their racist ideology, does this put the last nail in the coffin of outrageous, craziest, stupidest, money wasting, bridge to nowhere going attempt at getting Pres.?   i have to go back to Joan Walsh's book title "WHAT IS WRONG WITH WHITE PEOPLE" PS and the 3 or 4 Black wannabes?
Ignoring a White House veto threat, the GOP maintained that the bill was necessary as the president has selectively enforced the nation's laws.
"Throughout the Obama presidency we have seen a pattern: President Obama circumvents Congress when he doesn't get his way," said Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., chairman of the Judiciary Committee.
Democrats countered that the legislation was merely election-year rhetoric to address a non-existent problem. The measure stands no chance in the Democratic-led Senate.
these are charges that are only relevant when applied to republicans especially the last 5 years, Clinton, "takes a lot of brass to accuse someone of what you do".  the problem is they know there are under informed out there that are ready to accept the lie and run with it.
Under the bill, the House or Senate would have a fast track for any civil lawsuit against the president if that president "failed to meet the requirement of Article II, section 3, clause 17, of the Constitution of the United States to take care that a law be faithfully executed."
Once litigated in district court, any appeals would be decided by the U.S. Supreme Court.
Republicans cited the Obama administration's delays on several deadlines of the Affordable Care Act that the president signed into law in March 2010. Obama has drawn criticism for his June 2012 decision to allow young immigrants brought to the country illegally as children to gain legal status and remain in the United States if they attend school or join the military.
Republicans also have assailed Obama for tougher action on the environment.
G W Bush, "you can fool some of the people all of the time and those are the ones you want to concentrate on",  midterm this year is as important as 2016 get out there and make some noise or whimper in the right wing rule.
how can they form the word delay in reference to Pres. when they are the obstruction that is the delay pot kettle syndrome?  cheap thinly veiled attempt to pile on negatives as election looms in the near future make them pay for their crimes against "we the people", let's take OUR country back.