Fox News has an enemy in the education debate, and that enemy is teachers unions.In the weeks since New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced that he would block three charter schools from using public school space rent-free, conservative media have sent themselves into a tizzy distorting the mayor's record, accusing him of waging a "war on children" and calling him "Comrade Bill."Perhaps no outlet was more indignant about de Blasio's decision than Fox News, whose hosts and pundits seemed incapable of discussing the story without blaming teachers unions, devoid of any evidence or support.
as i understand it these charters are for profit they don't follow state curriculum why should he give them rent free status, they are tantamount to the tea party indoctrination summer camps filling kids heads with right wing ideology, kudos to the mayor.
Fox's misguided outrage is unsurprising given the network's track record on unions. Its hosts and commentators have previously asked if "teachers unions [are] ruining your kids' education" and referred to labor unions as "parasites" that are "not doing anything" for workers.Fox host Dana Perino even suggestedearlier this year that instead of making an "anti-NRA" film, filmmaker Harvey Weinstein could better "tackle gun violence if he would take on the teachers unions."
haven't we seen and heard enough of republican skulduggery, why did Fla 16 happen? these people do not support the things actually that are in the interest of Americans that prefer not to have them ram stuff down or throats they coined the phrase and they practice what they preach, but they also try to accuse Pres. and his admin of doing what they do not a lot of brass just a concerted effort to get their way inspite of "we the people".