Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) speaks during a town hall meeting hosted by Heritage
President Obama’s announcement on Thursday that six million people signed-up for coverage through the Affordable Care Act — meeting and exceeding the administration’s deadline days before the March 31st enrollment period — undermines critics who seized on the law’s troubled early rollout to predict that measure could never attract enough Americans to succeed. Below are some of the worst predictions after the administration published the first enrollment figures in November of 2013:
1. House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH)
“Above all, this report is a symbol of the failure of the President’s health care law… It is a rolling calamity that must be scrapped. [CNN]
2. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA)
“Pretty stunning…Just another day in a series of mess-ups in Obamacare.”
7. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA)
“The 27,000 enrollments through federally facilitated exchange pale in comparison to the millions of Americans who have lost their health insurance under ObamaCare… It is time for the president to finally acknowledge ObamaCare isn’t working and to delay the law, in fairness to families and individuals.”
“The 27,000 enrollments through federally facilitated exchange pale in comparison to the millions of Americans who have lost their health insurance under ObamaCare… It is time for the president to finally acknowledge ObamaCare isn’t working and to delay the law, in fairness to families and individuals.”
8. Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS)
“The numbers released today are indicative of failure. Not just the failure of a website, but a failure of the underlying law, a failure to keep promises to the American people, and, above all, a failure of leadership.”
“The numbers released today are indicative of failure. Not just the failure of a website, but a failure of the underlying law, a failure to keep promises to the American people, and, above all, a failure of leadership.”
if things are so bad why do they need to lie about them multiple times 51 ObamaCares repeal votes. 12 times nobody signing up when reports on the news and updates by Pres. and other red states rebut the misleading,
nobody probably kept count of how many other things they saying multiple times that weren't so much true as flat out lies, we have seen this for 5 years if at voting time Nov. 4th you still hold those lies as truth you have a real problem with reality.
5 years and all the misinfo and misleading has netted them nothing but a bigger reputation of deception monger's.
ISSA so far 40 million taxpayer bucks on his witch hunts and spin thrift republicans have not opened their mouths in protest of gratuitous spending by one of theirs. and they talk about Pres. vacation expenses.