Add another hardened conservative to the front against harsh mandatory-minimum prison sentences: Texas Republican Ted Cruz.The Senate Judiciary Committee voted 13-5 yesterday to approve a bill that would, among other things, slash mandatory-minimum sentences for federal drug crimes in half and curb the runaway growth of the U.S. Bureau of Prisons.Cruz signed on as a sponsor of the bill at the last minute yesterday. It’s an important boost to the conservative contingent lining up behind sentencing reform, whose highest-profile members so far have been Utah’s Mike Lee and Kentucky’s Rand Paul. Arizona Republican Jeff Flake also voted for the measure yesterday.To be sure, the crime warriors of the 1980s got their licks in, too. Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley got three new mandatory minimums attached to the bill before it moved to a final vote. But the momentum is clearly on the side of the left-right alliance of lawmakers who back sentencing reform, validating President Barack Obama’s approach of keeping a low profile on the issue.
when one makes a last minute decision on something they have been fence walking i would think Cruz T-P guy would be considering privatization and mininizing sentences on their premier stocking practice would kinda eat away at profits, less heads less bucks.
i also notice republicans hitching up to different Progressive ideas IMO trying to brown nose the public into thinking change is happening for them don't get fooled again, once you let them in they leave all promises at the door outside remember 2010 jobs promise got one from them yet?
That policy remains wise, even if it may disappoint liberal critics. As Steve Teles and I have argued, the most important development in crime politics over the last decade is that conservatives are developing their own, authentic ideology opposing mass incarceration. Cultivating this sentiment is critical, because conservative support will be indispensable if we are to make any deep dents in our 2-million strong prison population. Support from the likes of Mike Lee and Ted Cruz is the best insurance against Grassley-style tougher-than-thou posturing.
this is another republican smoke a mirrors, they have never tried to do anything for the country or it's people, now after two losses they decide to act more Progressive? nah watch their ads and whack a moles they are the ones who really let us in on the mindset we don't see, the whole world is a stage and republicans are just playing a part, break a leg, seriously all of you break both legs and arms spines would be good concussions acceptable but just get out the way and let America be what it claims it is not what you have made it.
this is not by accident but by design they are still the hateful bigots they will always be take a hint from their guy.