can American exceptionalism exist when it only applies to a select group who self appoints?
Conservatives are right: The attitudes they say make America special—religiosity, patriotism, and mobility—are fading. And it has nothing to do with Barack Obama.From the moment Barack Obama appeared on the national stage, conservatives have been searching for the best way to describe the danger he poses to America's traditional way of life. Secularism? Check. Socialism? Sure. A tendency to apologize for America's greatness overseas? That, too. But how to tie them all together?Gradually, a unifying theme took hold. "At the heart of the debate over Obama's program," declared Rich Lowry and Ramesh Ponnuru in an influential 2010National Review cover story, is "the survival of American exceptionalism." Finally, a term broad and historically resonant enough to capture the magnitude of the threat.A year later, Newt Gingrich published A Nation Like No Other: Why American Exceptionalism Matters, in which he warned that "our government has strayed alarmingly" from the principles that made America special.Mitt Romney deployed the phrase frequently in his 2012 campaign, asserting that President Obama "doesn't have the same feelings about American exceptionalism that we do."The term, which according toFactiva appeared in global English-language publications fewer than 3,000 times during the Bush Administration, has already appeared more than 10,000 times since Obama became president.
this is a crutch IMO those who have destroyed this country and still try to prop up the mantra of exceptionalism but they fall miserably short of their reference or do they, like so many other things they say or proclaim that don't exactly apply to them.
exceptionalism (ɪkˈsɛpʃənəlɪzəm)
1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) an attitude to other countries, cultures, etc based on the idea of being quite distinct from, and often superior to, them in vital ways.
1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) an attitude to other countries, cultures, etc based on the idea of being quite distinct from, and often superior to, them in vital ways.
To liberals, the charge that Obama threatens American exceptionalism is daft. He is, after all, fond of declaring, "In no other country on Earth is my story even possible."For some progressive pundits, things hit rock bottom when conservativeWashington Post columnist Kathleen Parker flayed Obama for not using the words "American exceptionalism" in his 2011 State of the Union speech,even though he had called America a "light to the world" and "the greatest nation on Earth." The entire discussion, declared liberal Post blogger Greg Sargent, had become "absurd," "self-parodic," and an exercise in "nonstop idiocy."But that's not quite right. When conservatives say American exceptionalism is imperiled, they're onto something. In fundamental ways, America is becoming less exceptional.Where Gingrich and company go wrong is in claiming that the Obama presidency is the cause of this decline. It's actually the result. Ironically, the people most responsible for eroding American exceptionalism are the very conservatives who most fear its demise.
and we are back Clinton, "takes a lot of brass to accuse someone of what you do", me, "they do the dirt then try to sweep iyt on Pres.'s shoes", either way they create in the public mind a bogeyman, then go about pointing it out, just like the recent faux scandals they created an have been trying to tie Pres. and Progressive heir apparent Hilary to their daydreams can't work it's their lies not what happened so those two tales will not be pinned to those donkeys.