and today's wingnuts of choice the usual suspects one a charlatan the other bat crap crazy with a husband of questionable inclinations
An anti-gay bill that may become law in Kansas could test the consistency of conservatives who oppose the Affordable Care Act’s requirement that employer sponsored insurance include birth control coverage.What does being gay have to do with birth control, other than that religious conservatives regard both as sinful forms of contraception?I’ll get to that in a minute.First, the backdrop. Obamacare’s contraception mandate faces a number of challenges, including from devout business owners, who argue that complying with it — and, thus, facilitating employee access to birth control — would violate their religious beliefs.
it is redundant to have birth control attached to a same sex coulees ins. i'm sure and easy fix to amend and exempt them from that clause especially if it adds cost to premium.
Elite conservatives and Congressional Republicans have rallied to their defense. Not, they insist, because they personally share with the owners’ uneasiness about birth control per se, but because the mandate tramples religious liberty.There has revealingly been no similar condemnation of other Obamacare benefit mandates that would presumably require entrepreneurial Christian Scientists to facilitate all manner of medical care that their religion forbids.Perhaps that’ll change if a Christian Scientist takes the Obama administration to court. Maybe there’ll be a conservative outcry against the Affordable Care Act’s preventive service requirements (nothing tramples religious liberties like colorectal cancer screenings). But they would be taking a first step on a slope I doubt they want to slide down on their backsides.
they talk about infringing on religious rights well are they do infringing on individual rights? c'on this is a ginned up by republicans attempt to strike a blow against ACA, IMO why don't those business owners cast the first stone since they are so devout and list the other commandments and tenets they ignore,
like Catholic women 98% have or will use contraception. organized religions are famously not the place of total compliance, that's why some damn you to hell and others say a few Hail Mary's and get your ticket validated.