Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Republicans Slam Stimulus On Fifth Anniversary — But Most Took Credit For It Back Home

Monday marks the five-year anniversary of the passage of the American Recovery Act, President Obama’s $800 billion stimulus stimulus package that invested in everything from infrastructure projects to electronic medical health care records and alternative energy sources.
Every single Republican in the House and almost every Republican in the Senate — with the exception of Former Sens. Olympia Snowe (R-ME), Arlen Specter (R-PA), and Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) — voted against the measure and today the GOP continues to deride the law as wasteful an ineffective.
this is another 5 year long lie they say "keep your dr lie of the year" well their lies are longer and more egregiously misleading to "we the people" and they always forget to add while piling on that these things suffered by us were because of their pledge in 2008,
But as ThinkProgress reported throughout 2009over half of the GOP caucus praised the effects of the stimulus or took credit for the federal dollars in their home districts and states — despite repeatedly voting against it in Washington D.C.
1. Paul Ryan requested stimulus funds for jobs in his district.
2. Eric Cantor held a job fair with organizations that received stimulus funds, supported using stimulus funds.
3. Mitch McConnell bragged about stimulus projects, requested more money.
4. John Boehner admitted stimulus funds would create “much needed jobs."
just a few of the usual suspects they too forgot what they said and did and now it's coming home to roost where it proceeds to bite them in the butt.
be sure to read the accompanying text and rest of the list, and keep in mind when you hear the garbage be a good neighbor and take it out to the dumpster.
i remember those republican governors parading giant cardboard checks on late news with a crap eating grin and a "look what i got for the state" while going on talk shows and like everything else declared it a losing effort, that's not hypocrisy it's bald faced lying.