Thursday, February 6, 2014

Mainstream Media Wrong On Obamacare: CBO Says It Will Let People Work Less And Raise Others' Wages

Apparently a lot of media folks have made such a habit of repeating Republican talking points that they can't see what is right in front of their eyes. 
The Republicans are touting the fact that the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) expects the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to reduce the number of people working.
Guess what? This was one of the motivations for the ACA. It is a feature, not a bug. There are a lot of people who would prefer not to work and would not work if they had some other way to get health care insurance. Imagine a 62 year-old with diabetes and other health conditions. No insurer will touch this person. 
If they can get insurance at all they are looking at bill that will certainly run well over $10k a year. If this person has a job that provides insurance they will keep it until they qualify for Medicare no matter how much of a struggle it is to go to work each day.
we have seen the right jump on this like a lion on a pork chop and just like every other such leaping to misleading you suffer from misinfo designed to do just that continue to confuse the real 411 on ACA,
this is doing you a disservice as well as depriving you of better health care.  bumps now are caused by their refusal to implement or even expand medicaid does this look like people who care about you and will look out for you hard to do when the two biggest things they obstruct are health care and jobs while claiming they are focusing on this for you, well they are focused alright with cross hairs and a AR-15.
Now with the ACA this person will be able to buy insurance at the same price as anyone else in the age 55-64 age group. If they can get by on their Social Security and prior savings then they may well decide to retire early. They may also qualify for a subsidy in the exchanges. Is this an awful story? You be the judge.
The other likely scenario is the case of a mother with a newly born child. She may want to spend some time at home with her kid, but may have no other way to pay for her health insurance if she leaves her job. The ACA will give her an opportunity to get lower cost insurance (possibly with a subsidy). Again, is a mother taking some off to be with a new born kid a horror story?
doesn't sound much like what republicans are spinning, they use the part they can twist and omit that which explains the real deal. they are duping us or trying to. how long are we going to let those who think we are too stupid to think twist truths and lie incessantly in order to steer you away from ACA and keep you subject to the same skulduggery ins. co.'s have put us through for decades. this is the reason ACA was given to Americans do we stare a gift horse in the mouth or do we continue to wade through the elephant dung?