Tuesday, February 11, 2014

House Will Vote On Clean Debt Ceiling Bill Tonight


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Yeah, so much for that "Democrats have to give us something to get a debt ceiling increase" threat. Even the tea partiers know this is inevitable, but they're still going to make as much noise as they can.
Facing a rebellion over his latest debt ceiling proposal, Speaker John A. Boehner on Tuesday told House Republicans that he would bring legislation to a vote that would raise the government’s borrowing authority with no strings attached.
“You all know that our members are not crazy about voting to increase the debt ceiling,” Mr. Boehner said, explaining that his conference was frustrated with President Obama’s refusal to negotiate over a debt ceiling increase. “And so the fact is we’ll let the Democrats put the votes up. We’ll put a minimum number of votes up to get it passed.”
Mr. Boehner said the House would vote on Wednesday, but because of approaching snowstorms, House Republicans moved up the vote to Tuesday night, to ensure that all members could get out of town before flights were canceled.
hold your breath until tomorrow you know Beohner doesn't run the house, he has to et approval of his controllers the t-party. note they can get something done even to the point of pushing it up, but than we realize they are only looking out for themselves they want to leave before storms close the airports that's mighty republican of them.
 at least they felt it important enough not to be seen as hostage takers, so they on the way out wink and a nod and their audi.
and wow they didn't even get most of what he wanted, guess the desire to get out of Dodge was more powerful than political posturing, or are they just trying to beat the snow?