Late last year, when conservatives everywhere were grieving publicly for each American who’d received a cancellation notice from a health insurance carrier, the smartest among them realized they had a small problem on their hands.The wave of cancellations made for great politics, and it was a joy to watch the public’s trust in Obama crater for having promised everyone that they could keep their plans.But by turning an insurance market disruption into a political liability — and a normatively bad thing — Republicans had left themselves very little room to advance conservative health policy ideas.The cornerstone of nearly every conservative health care reform plan is to eliminate or dramatically reduce the tax preference for employer-sponsored health insurance and use the revenues to help people pay for their own coverage.But the disruptions that would entail would dwarf the ones Obamacare is creating, and conservative wonks realized that by opportunistically attacking Obamacare, political operatives had just crafted the very attacks that could ultimately doom their own policymaking pursuits.
they are so far par for their course, they never look back while painting the floor with lies and misinformation so the end up in a corner.
they leap before looking, or they would have notice the corner before they started, but it's not in their nature they are predators by nature always on the hunt for something they can misrepresent aside from being liars and all around despicable persons they are great storytellers except it's only great to them and contemptuous to us.
“Some Republican health-care plans would run up against this same obstacle, because they, too, disrupt existing health-insurance arrangements,” he wrote. “The answer to this problem, I think, is not to abandon the idea of moving in the direction of free-market health care as an alternative to Obamacare; it’s to make that move in steps. Step one would be flattening the tax break so it no longer rewards the purchase of the most comprehensive coverage available.”
all that could work but there is one glaring omission "we the people" their plan it there is one and not a dusted off Ryan voucher, his all geared to the same ideals of feeding the rich and big business with a dare i say "COMPROMISE" of pre-existing and other things already in ACA they kept the part were we get ripped, you will never get a bill or law from them that does not look out for them and their interest first.