Tuesday, February 11, 2014

"GOP Report Acknowledges That The U.S. Military Couldn’t Have Changed Benghazi Outcome"

In a new report released on Tuesday, the House Armed Services Committee concludes that there was no way for the U.S. military to have responded in time to the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya to save the four Americans killed that night. In doing so, the report debunks entirely a right-wing myth that says the White House ordered the military not to intervene.
For months after the attack that resulted in the death of U.S. Ambassador to Libya J. Christopher Stevens, conservative media was awash in reports that on the night of the assault the Obama administration at some point ordered the military not to take action that would have saved lives. This supposed “stand down order” led to a bevy of right-wing conspiracies about why the President and his administration had let the Americans die.
“Who told the SEALs to stand down?” Rep. Steve King asked in Nov. 2012, in just one of many interviews with Republicans referring to the response to Benghazi as “worse than Watergate.
now we know the hyperbole used by republicans is just a pillow with all the foam or feathers pulled out and still trying to call itself a pillow or just a flat out lie, same difference.  theirs was not about fact fiding it was about pinning their tales on the donkey, it started like all others a word or two then leap into press mode and spin it for all it's worth.  for months the lies have been debunked but they think they a burned the name Benghazi in our minds an everytime we hear it we recall all their fake scandal implications, ISSA refused to hear it to the center of depravity he was crazed and on his own mission to find the truth of the lies he told.  notice haven't heard of him lately.