February, as most of us know, is Black History Month. Lots of schools will be holding assemblies and having special curricula for the occasion. While it’s great to see schools get creative, one school went a bit too far.
Fried chicken was a bad choice for school lunch
Carondelet High School for Girls, in Concord, California, wanted to carry the Black History Month celebrations into the dining room. To this end, they came up with a lunch of fried chicken, cornbread and… wait for it… watermelon. Oh, yeah. They went there.
The menu choice so offended students and parents that the principal of the school, Nancy Libby, had to go into damage control mode quickly. She called an emergency assembly to discuss the issue and sent out a letter which read, in part:
“I’d like to apologize for the announcement and any hurt this caused students, parents or community members. Please know that at no time at Carondelet do we wish to perpetrate racial stereotypes.”
The students suggested that, while the fried chicken and cornbread was okay, the watermelon had to go. Libby, however, felt it best to just scrap the idea entirely. That’s probably for the best.
are those Whites that "KNOW" what is Black culture getting that message from handed down slave stories by family members and others that have it figured out or did they get them from stereotypes from Vaudeville and other White entertainment outlets.
you know it's easy to look down when you think it makes you looked up to primarily by themselves, book is as well as people should not be judged by their cover but those who are in need of ego stroking they are perfect targets.
What’s racist about fried chicken?
It’s not the fried chicken itself that’s racist. It’s the baggage that comes with the fried chicken and cornbread and collard greens and watermelon. The stereotype of “black folks love fried chicken” goes back to the days of slavery. Chicken was easy to come by and a cheap source of meat for the slaves. Nothing wrong with that, right? Well, not until D.W. Griffith came along. In his 1915 silent opus, The Birth Of A Nation, Griffith depicted a group of “shiftless” black politicians. The scene — an obvious nod at the “dangers” of allowing blacks to vote — showed the pols acting rowdy: drinking and carousing and one is sloppily eating fried chicken. Oh, the horror!
According to Professor Claire Schmidt of the University of Missouri:“That image really solidified the way white people thought of black people and fried chicken.” She continues, “It’s a food you eat with your hands, and therefore it’s dirty. Table manners are a way of determining who is worthy of respect or not.”
easy to embrace a stereoype it alleviate one of any resposiblity in their minds of being racist afterall they didn't coin those phrases they are just repeating them. without prefacing if you say it you more than likely believe it, people belive what they think if there is no conscious rebuttal.
my two favorites is the old toothless White guy in the south, asked by reporter why he hated Obama, his resonse, "his names Obama" then looked at reporter as if to say "didn't you know"?, another is when Rev. Al took Bill O'Reilly to dinner in Harlem at Sylvia's,Discussing his recent dinner with Rev. Al Sharpton at the Harlem restaurant Sylvia's, Bill O'Reilly reported that he "couldn't get over the fact that there was no difference between Sylvia's restaurant and any other restaurant in New York City. I mean, it was exactly the same, even though it's run by blacks, primarily black patronship." O'Reilly added: "There wasn't one person in Sylvia's who was screaming, 'M-Fer, I want more iced tea.' "
please listen to video and get an idea why you should not believe that faction of White America about Blacks, they are as ignorantly wrong as they are arrogantly saying it.