As usual, when I write about this topic, let me start off being very clear: Young Earth creationism — the idea that God created the Earth six to ten thousand years ago, borne of a literal interpretation of the Bible — is wrong. It is provably wrong, and in fact it is a violation of the United States Constitution’s First Amendment to teach it in public school.
So why is Texas (and with new schools opening, also Arkansas and Indiana) spending a whopping $82 million of taxpayer’s money every year to teach it?
it always amazes me the amounts of money local and state gov't say something will cost, if Pres. goes to Hawaii it cost millions why, tell me why? or the biggee if congress sits on their collective azzes and do nothing but ask questions asked and answered to already rebuked questions it cost millions why show meet the itemized receipt.
This revelation comes from Zack Kopplin, who wrote a devastating article here inSlate about his investigation of Responsive Education Solutions, a group of publicly supported charter schools that currently has over 65 campuses with 17,000 students enrolled. Kopplin obtained a copy of Responsive Ed’s workbook for biology that is used throughout their charter system, and what’s inside is disturbing, to say the very least.
The workbook, called a “Knowledge Unit”, is loaded with creationist propaganda, both subtle and overt. A large fraction of the curriculum in it is devoted to creating doubt about evolution (and other scientific fields), and to promote a completely false controversy about the scientific facts of biological evolution.
the whole thing is to control the education your child gets they start with t-Party indoctrination summer camps the are hitting kids with right wing propaganda year round, that is why they bristled up when Pres. talked to some kids for a few minutes they claimed he was trying to indoctrinate them, were they really afraid that he might enlighten them? check out what they say he was indoctrinating about!