The strongman Russian leader Vladimir Putin likened gays to pedophiles in comments on Sunday. While Putin said that gay athletes and their fans are safe to attend the 2014 Sochi Olympics, he also cast aspersions on gay people. He said that Russia should be “cleansed” of gays because of the need for population growth, in addition to the pedophile comment.At the same time, Putin said that “there are no fears for people with this nontraditional orientation who plan to come to Sochi as guests or participants... I couldn't care less about their sexual orientation. We will welcome all athletes and all visitors to the Olympics.”
is this a set up talking out both sides of your mouth tend to reveal a hidden agenda, if so what might it be? you would think facing terrorist attacks he would be more concerned about disaster then who Natasha or Ivan likes. i guess the phobia is stronger then one might think could there be something under that bravado of "strongman"? e does go a little over board with that machismo thing.
Russia has been the target of ire since they passed a law last year banning“propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations” aimed at kids. As the Associated Press notes, “the law on propaganda has been used to justify barring gay pride rallies on the grounds that children might see them.”Gay rights campaigners have urged boycotts of Russian vodka and of the Olympic games.
Hate crimes against gays have risen in the country.
with so much going on he has to be a nervous wreck, will he admit it, nah
reference to gats as pedophiles is IMO wrong never heard of a gay pedophile have you? if there were incidents in this homophobic world it would be everywhere and talked about like all else gay.