Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Obama could raise minimum wage for federal contract workers today (if he wanted to)


I’m unimpressed with Obama’s latest “I’m an economic populist too” speech. Like he did with his climate speech, he rang all the right opening bells (my emphasis):
But we know that people’s frustrations run deeper than these most recent political battles.  Their frustration is rooted in their own daily battles — to make ends meet, to pay for college, buy a home, save for retirement.  It’s rooted in the nagging sense that no matter how hard they work, the deck is stacked against them.  And it’s rooted in the fear that their kids won’t be better off than they were.  They may not follow the constant back-and-forth in Washington or all the policy details, but they experience in a very personal way the relentless, decades-long trend that I want to spend some time talking about today.  And that is a dangerous and growing inequality and lack of upward mobility that has jeopardized middle-class America’s basic bargain — that if you work hard, you have a chance to get ahead.
I believe this is the defining challenge of our time:  Making sure our economy works for every working American.
first i take umbrage to the tile, it implies he is maliciously withholding that trick up his sleeve.  i don't think that is why like my previous article their are prices to pay 
this republican party are perched waiting on anything they can start another homemade scandal with. unfortunately too many will read a glorified title and run with it.  the things we know that will create more obstruction are just a piece of the puzzle those ones we don't know about are the most dangerous.
one thing we can be sure of it will always be a contrivance and always favor their agenda though it might be wearing sheep's clothing the evil that lurks within will be the proverbial punch in the gut of America.
But his solutions scare me to death, because, well, they’re not solutions, they’re exacerbations to the problem. Like this one — lower taxes for corporations:
And that means simplifying our corporate tax code in a way that closes wasteful loopholes and ends incentives to ship jobs overseas. (Applause.) We can — by broadening the base, we can actually lower rates to encourage more companies to hire here and use some of the money we save to create good jobs rebuilding our roads and our bridges and our airports and all the infrastructure our businesses need.
this list of scary things are more a extortion that creates that exacerbation, a list of demands that congress would and could impose on future bills that again stymies the advancement they will blame Pres. some will agree without knowing the facts that is a problem to many half cocked people spreading untruths and creating dissension between the WH and the people.
the right may instigate and implement these things but they don't mean a thing if we don't bite, solution don't bite. you need to know what you can lose if he does things that wakes the beast of revenge, it's cruel to deny those in need of hep in favor of a majority that might pay for it later but opposition is the moat with the republican alligators in it.
 only we can remedy that and open the window of opportunity for Pres. to do these things with the cooperation of those who are ther to serve not feast.