Sunday, January 19, 2014

Lawmakers Suggest Russia Helped Snowden Leak U.S. Intelligence Secrets

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Several lawmakers with prominent positions on national security committees suggested suggested on Sunday that former NSA contractor Edward Snowden’s leaks may have been encouraged by Russian intelligence officials.
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI) described Snowden as a “thief who we believe had some help” during an interview on NBC’s Meet The Press. Asked to elaborate by host David Gregory, Rogers responded, “Some of the things that he did were beyond his technical capabilities… I believe there’s a reason he ended up in the loving arms of an FSB [Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation] agent in Moscow.”
Rogers said that many of the files Snowden downloaded were entirely unrelated to privacy concerns, and questioned why Snowden had a “go bag” ready and how he made his travel arrangements so quickly. “I don’t think that’s a coincidence. I don’t believe it was a gee-whiz-luck event that he ended up in Moscow under the handling of the FSB,” he said.
Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) was more coy on the subject. “He may well have,” she responded when asked if she believed Russia had a hand in the leaks. “We don’t know at this stage. But I think to glorify this act is to set a new level of dishonor.”
House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Rep. Mike McCaul (R-TX) made similar statement during a separate appearance on ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos. While McCaul said he couldn’t give a “definitive statement” on which country may have aided Snowden, he emphasized that he didn’t “think he was acting alone” and was “cultivated by a foreign power to do what he did.”
short and sweet no matter if he was helped or not he went to our foreign opposition and betrayed nat'l secrets.  only help i can imagine would be post criminal act. PUTIN says he has free run, how is he paying for daily needs?
there have been reports that what he stole was about foreign surveillance and not American citizens, so if true he was not exposing or whistle blowing he ran to those the info reflected and presumably gave it up. 
Many lawmakers have slammed Russia for aiding Snowden and offering him asylum. Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) ripped into Russian President Vladimir Putin after the leaks were made public last summer, saying the Russian leader’s actions amounted to putting “a finger in the eye of the United States.” To date there has been no definitive evidence that Russian officials collaborated with Snowden.
Stephanopoulos, who also interviewed Putin, asked him whether Snowden was welcome to attend the upcoming Olympic games in Sochi. “Everybody is invited,” said Putin. “Mr. Snowden is subject to the treatment of provisional asylum here in Russia. He has a right to travel freely across the country. He has no special limitation. He can just buy a ticket and come here.”
“And stay as long as he wants?” asked Stephanopoulos. “Yes, sure, definitely,” responded Putin.
can't deny Putin isn't luvin this it's win, win for him he gets to flip us the finger and maybe pick up some intel while doing it.  in that interview Putin referred to America as "our friends" did he mean friends with benefits?