Friday, January 24, 2014

Huckabee Doubles Down On Women Can't Control Libidos Comment

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No, I’m not making a joke about Mike Huckabee and the KFC Double Down sandwich. Earlier this week, Mike Huckabee made comments that lead me to cite a new brand of Birtherism:Huckabirtherism
In it, Huckabee makes the false claim that President Obama grew up in Kenya and was educated in anti-colonialism by his father. Unfortunately, as John points out, Huckabee has effectively stood by the position of Huckabirtherism under withering criticism for his bizarre and incorrect comments. You see, while Huckabee has claimed that he misspoke when he said Kenya, he still has a problem with President Obama having lived in Indonesia as a child.
And I have said many times, publicly, that I do think he has a different worldview and I think it is, in part, molded out of a very different experience. Most of us grew up going to Boy Scout meetings and, you know, our communities were filled with Rotary Clubs, not madrassas.
This “different worldview” canard is a key part of the nexus between Birthers and the “Obama is a Kenyan anti-colonialist” bunk of Dinesh D’Souza. Huckabee is attacking Obama’s biography while imparting the notion that Birthers will readily adopt that the President doesn’t share American values.
Huckabee’s choice of words is even more extreme in they circumscribe being an American to being persistently within the Lower 48. How does Huckabee mesh his assessment Americans being molded differently from being in communities which are filled with madrassas and not Rotary Clubs? 
The women and men of the US Armed Forces are stationed in over 60 countries around the world, including quite a few Muslim countries that have madrassas. Are the children of men and women who are stationed overseas growing up with an un-American world view? Is John McCain, who was born in and grew up in Panama at the same time as military dictator Manuel Noriega, un-American with a dictatorial worldview?
 now Pres. is done no more runs but this charlatan evangelical Elmer Gantry thinks either his base is stupid or that he is all that and a pork chop and can say whatever, how attacking Pres. is going to help in 2014 or 16 is beyond me the other radicals are attacking HILARY make more sense than the preacher man from another God.
There’s a simple reason that Mike Huckabee is not backing down from his attacks on President Obama’s childhood and perceived worldview: Republican base voters are Birthers. A recent poll by PPP found 51% of Republican primary voters did not believe the President was born in the US, while another 21% were unsure.Dave Weigel notes that “birtherism has become another screen for extreme partisanship.” He goes on:
Palin and Gingrich, more than other Republicans, have criticized Obama for policies they trace back to a lack of faith in America and its institutions. (It was Gingrich, remember, who promoted Dinesh D’Souza’s silly “Obama as Kenyan anti-colonialist” theory.) Birtherism, in this instance, is a logical response to the stimuli of 1) conservative opinion leaders saying that Obama’s policies amount to un-American socialism and 2) Republican leaders punting when asked whether Obama was born in the United States.
Hence, Mike Huckabee’s push to make sure all Republican primary voters are aware of this new thing called Huckabirtherism.
is there a more simpole reason that their base doesn't believe Pres. was born in the US, how about 51% of them think Hawaii is a foreign country since not connected to the North American continent, hell they believe the stuff their politicians say maybe they didn'tget the email or were absent that day that the 50th state was discussed. even though it was Aug. of 1959.
Media Matters for America catches Huckabee in another lie:
On The O’Reilly Factor last night, Huckabee again defended his remarks, saying that “if I’d read from my own text, page 183 of my book, I clearly said he grew up in Indonesia. It was a verbal gaffe. I immediately apologized. But that’s not enough for the left-wing media.
One big problem: that’s not true.
On page 183 of his book, Huckabee references the Churchill bust and the Mau Mau rebellion, but does not say that Obama grew up in Indonesia. In fact, neither that page (nor the rest of the chapter) references Obama’s childhood in Indonesia. And based on a search of the Kindle version of his book, Huckabee makes no mention of Indonesia (or IndonesianJakarta, andMenteng).