Joshua Black, a Republican candidate for the Florida House who said that President Barack Obama should be hanged, has resigned from the Pinellas County Republican Executive Committee.On Monday – Martin Luther King Jr. Day, it should be noted – Black (who is African-American) enthusiastically agreed with a supporter’s suggestion that the president of the United States of America be tried for non-specific treason and then executed via hanging.Black’s comments were immediately rebuke from politicians from across the state, including Governor Rick Scott and Florida GOP chair Lenny Curry.
hope this serves as a lesson to self hater wannabe's you are Black, you are a token, they have this deep seated hatred of Black people, you are a willful pawn on their play board, you will never excel in that party, end result you are no longer in that position that made you think it ok to say such a heinous repulsive, racist thing with a smile.
nobody likes a turncoat especially one who appeases his party by parroting their hate rhetoric, now nobody wants you Black people sure ain't giving up any props and to those you serve at their pleasure you are at days end still that "N" over their that said whatever you could to endear yourself to those who quite frankly do not like you, now how you feel about yourself?
On Tuesday, Scott resigned his membership in the Pinellas GOP, according to party chairman Michael Guju. Black was a precinct chair in the PCREC.“The statements Mr. Black made were personal opinions and in no way reflective the opinion of the Pinellas Republican Party, the Republican Party of Florida or any Republican organization,” said Guju. “By resigning, we are, however, appreciative that Mr. Black does not wish to bring further embarrassment to our organization.”Upon hearing about Black’s resignation, state party chairman Curry tweeted, “Good.”Before his resignation, Black ehas been unapologetic for his comments, saying that the President should be arrested and tried for treason.
this was not a impossible mission you decided to take but boy they sure disavowed any connection to your rant and there thoughts man with out a country, a party and self respect.