The Followers of Christ, a fanatical Christian sect, does not believe in medicine. They feel that God decides who lives and dies and all they should do to affect that is pray. The state of Oregon disagreed. Now an Idaho lawmaker wants to follow Oregon’s example.
Oregon Followers of Christ couple’s trial prompts a new law
Back in 2009, the newborn son of Dale and Shannon Hickman died. He was born prematurely with no medical presence: he died within nine hours of his birth. The parents belonged to the Followers of Christ, a sect that relies on faith healing and prayer in lieu of medicine. Another couple who belonged to the Followers of Christ had just pleaded guilty to the death of their 7-month-old daughter when the Hickmans were arrested and charged with second-degree manslaughter.The other couple, the Wylands, had been charged with first-degree criminal mistreatment. They were found guilty in 2011 and sentenced to 90 days in jail plus three years probation.Both couples were tried under the 1999 law passed by the Oregon legislature after a series of over 20 child deaths among Followers of Christ members. The children all died of easily treatable illnesses, partly because of the parental laws that had granted immunity in these cases.The 1999 law stripped that immunity for the severest cases: second-degree manslaughter and first- and second-degree criminal mistreatment. Several other Followers of Christ parents were prosecuted under the new law.
what's sticking in my side is these people believe in not medicating a baby and that God decides who lives or dies, God also helps those who help themselves not in the Bible like i don't think "let the baby die while you wait on me".
the Bible speaks of herbs but i don't think it says take nothing but leaves from fruited trees, but aren't most medicines based on early time fruits and plants that healed are they basically derivatives?
Many members of the Followers of Christ live in and around the Boise area. They, too, have seen a spate of child deaths due to ignoring medicine in favor of faith. The children have ranged in age from 22 months to 16 years.One girl, 15-year-old Arrian Jade Granden, died after her food poisoning went untreated. Her esophagus ruptured from her prolonged vomiting. Another girl, 16-year-old Pamela Jade Eells, died of pneumonia. Twenty-two-month-old Rockwell Alexander Sevy died after suffering from pneumonia for two weeks.Rep. John Gannon (D-Boise), has seen enough. He wants to pass a law similar to Oregon’s, requiring parents to seek medical care for their gravely ill children. Even if their religion disagrees.Gannon told reporters that these children “… need a chance to grow up.” As it stands right now, Idaho law says that causing felony injury to a child will get the perpetrator 10 years in prison. Oh, but there’s the usualreligious exemption:“The practice of a parent or guardian who chooses for his child treatment by prayer or spiritual means alone shall not for that reason alone be construed to have violated the duty of care to such a child.”
where are the abortion murderers doesn't this fall under their discriminative beliefs either way the child gets killed aborted or denied medicine.
In other words, “treating” a gravely ill child with faith-based means doesn’t constitute violation of said law. All a negligent parent has to do is claim that they don’t believe in modern medicine and they’re off the hook. Personally, I find this despicable and an egregious abdication of the most basic job of a parent. Rep. Gannon apparently agrees and will introduce his bill in the next legislative session. It would add the following sentence to current law: “However, this exemption shall not apply whenever a child’s medical condition may cause death or permanent disability.”
so many people trampling on each others rights because they don't agree. do these people think God just lets huge amounts of kids die when salvation is 2 blocks away, and did not God create all that is necessary to make the medicine making it Gods help for health and life is that wrong? how many adults die from that same restriction of no meds?