Speaking today about a University of Nebraska study which found that men's gazes are "objectifying" for women, right wing talk show host Rush Limbaugh offered his expert advice on how men can more effectively sexually harass women:
But there's a way around this, guys. You gotta have fun with this, as you know. So let me offer suggestions. The first suggestion, the first way to deal with this that came into my mind, is you find yourself staring, looking at, casually glancing at a woman, but you know that it's now socially taboo. You shouldn't be doing it, and you think everybody is noticing you doing it and condemning you in their minds.You shouldn't be doing it. So you walk up to the woman and say, "Would you please ask your breasts to stop staring at my eyes?"
if women fail to rally against the right wing chauvinist this next election cycle i really have to re-evaluate my beliefs of a strong women and her counter fight in the war against them.
i don't know about republican women that seems to be a breed all it's own standing with those whose respect for them is tantamount to a grain of salt.
Limbaugh suggested that sexual harassment was just part of human nature, saying that the "liberals" behind the study "just despise human nature and try to alter it and change it and create it, because many of them just don't fit in with it in many ways."It will come as no surprise that Limbaugh doesn't have a problem with sexual harassment. The talk show host has previously claimed that many women who complain about sexual harassment actually wish it would happen to them.
two things no three, why are women not waiting in the parking lot for this knuckle dragger, where is the denouncing from the right wing, why are the sponsors not abandoning ship are they of like mind? freedom of speech this can't be what was envisioned when it was first amended or was it, female abuse was not only directed a slaves.