That many on the right would rush to be seen praising Nelson Mandela in the hours after his death was so predictable that journalists had the "actually,
Republicans fought him tooth and nail every step of the way" pieces ready to launch. As is his wont, Rick Santorum really outshone the competition by trying to appropriate Mandela for his own ends in the most mind-bogglingly ignorant way possible.While on Bill O'Reilly's show, Santorum hijacked Mandela's legacy to whine about social welfare programs. Mandela "was fighting against some great injustice," said Santorum, "and I would make the argument that we have a great injustice going on right now in this country with an ever-increasing size of government that is taking over and controlling people's lives, and Obamacare is front and center in that.”
i have to quote Joan Walsh's book title "what's wrong with white people"? they don't know which way to go they praise Black leaders one minute and try to wrestle them from those of us who have true respect for them to brown nose some points but somewhere a bunch of them at that same moment are doing what this guy is doing.
when you have no knowledge of something best to shut up then let the world know of your ignorance.
train wreck, will kill you, wreck the economy, loss of jobs and my favorite "IT'S AN ABOMINATION".
train wrecks and their wrecking of the economy and misinformation to dissuade those who want to get real health care not warmed over unregulated republican care all of these things are the reason they are fighting to save us from the monstrous health care, which they have nothing to replace or repeal it's the law. but it will leave the status quo in place and the insurance companies will be ecstatic but you won't.
but i digress, where is the comparison to apartheid being equal?