The leader of the Catholic Church has been quietly sneaking out of the Vatican at night to minister to homeless residents, according to a new report.
“Swiss guards confirmed that the pope has ventured out at night, dressed as a regular priest, to meet with homeless men and women,” writes The Huffington Post.The report hinted that Pope Francis had sneaked out of the enclave with Archbishop Konrad Krajewski. As Almoner of His Holiness, Krajewski is the Vatican’s point person on giving charity to the poor and visits the destitute nightly.This isn’t the first time Pope Francis has earned attention and praise for his predilection to serve the needy. Just months after assuming the papacy, he invited nearly 200 homeless people to join him for dinner at the Vatican. He also deplored the plight of homeless people in the first apostolic exhortation of his papacy last week: “How can it be that it is not a news item when an elderly homeless person dies of exposure, but it is news when the stock market loses two points?”
i worry and Pray for Pope Frankie, those who do this level of good always step on the nefarious and end in bad results, money has been the hallmark of Catholic
church to lay people, we see that might not be that far off. when you shake the tree of greed more things fall out then just the money.
Over the years, the Catholic Church has grown too "obsessed" with abortion, contraception, and gay marriage, Pope Francis argued in May, imploring followers instead to focus on combating trickle-down economics and the world of inequality it produces.Pope Francis has also taken a more modest personal approach than his predecessor Pope Benedict XVI, shedding gold-embroidered robes and an ornate golden throne for white threads and a wooden chair.These pronouncements and actions have earned him the nickname "Pope of the Poor," a fitting tribute to a man who assumed the name of Francis after the 13th century Saintwho focused attention on the poor.
it has also earned him a label of problem to those who have enjoyed the status quo, those are the dangerous ones. this Pope is no puppet he IMO is the real deal and sincere in his words and actions.