For the first time in 50 years, a majority of Americans wants the U.S. government to mind its own business internationally.According to a new Pew Research poll that measures Americans' perception of their country's place in the world, 53% of Americans say the U.S. "should mind its own business internationally and let other countries get along the best they can on their own" and that the U.S. "plays a less important and powerful role as a world leader than it did a decade ago."Meanwhile, some 70% say the U.S. is less respected than in the past
i think that is right wing BS they use to prop of their war mongering ways, people don't and didn't respect us because of military might they feared us especially when republicans were in charge invade or bomb bomb bomb Iran trigger happy toy soldiers that have no compunction when they send your kid to settle their pissing match.
For those of us, including a huge majority of millennials, who are growing increasingly skeptical of the utility, and financial and mortal costs of war, this is welcoming news. There are also two key factors behind the poll that suggest reason for even more optimism.While Americans want the U.S. less involved around the world militarily, the partners behind the Pew poll — the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) — express nearly the opposite view. The CFR is an organization with a mix of foreign policy experts with a heavy interventionist bias and the support of large corporate and banking interests.In other words, they are the policy wonks who advocate intervention in wholesale, never having to admit that they were wrong, and their research is supported by corporations that profit from an aggressive foreign policy.
i wrote this on this blog 5/10/11
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
hello, for Conservatives MONEY, OPPORTUNISTIC VENTURES, opportunities to scare the people to further those goals, Liberals lost of love ones lives lost of limbs deterioration of family lifestyle, depletion of gov. funds, inability to maintain social programs for seniors,poor,infrastructure,bridges,roads etc. which agenda should be scrapped?
Posted by nick johnson at 8:04 AM