The NYPD did what?
The NYPD, while attempting to arrest Glenn Broadnax, 35, of Brooklyn, on misdemeanor charges of menacing, drug possession and resisting arrest, pulled their guns and opened fire. They missed their intended target and hit two innocent bystanders. Fortunately, for all involved, no one was killed in the incident, which occurred in September. John Gilliland, a bystander, caught the events on video with his cell phone.
is it protocol in NYC to pull their guns and fire at a misdemeanor sspect, while not looking to see if othe innocents were in the way or were all not inncent in their opinion for where they were?
Why did the NYPD shoot an unarmed man?
Originally, Broadnax created a disturbance by walking into traffic and purposely putting himself into the path of oncoming cars. Mr. Broadnax, an unarmed and emotionally disturbed man (who was talking to dead relatives and trying to kill himself) reached into his pants pocket for his wallet. The NYPD said the officers thought he was reaching for a gun. Broadnax was unarmed. But rather than actually identifying a weapon first the NYPD officers, fearing for their lives, pulled their service weapons and opened fire. Missing their intended target and wounding two people in a crowd that had assembled. Broadnax was eventually subdued by a sergeant on scene with the use of a taser. A less lethal weapon designed specifically for this type of incident. Especially in crowds.
How is the NYPD not responsible for the shooting?
In a preposterous vision of justice, Manhattan district attorneys have persuaded a grand jury to charge the unarmed Broadnax with assault for the gunshot wounds that two women sustained when NYPD officers shot them.
“The defendant is the one that created the situation that injured innocent bystanders,”said assistant district attorney, Shannon Lucey.
Specifically, as reported by the New York Times,
the nine-count indictment unsealed on Wednesday said Mr. Broadnax “recklessly engaged in conduct which created a grave risk of death.”
Additionally, the Times reported,
this is a scene from a cop comedy show, those two ladies ought to own part of NY after their lawyers finish with NYPD. what is it with cops they all claim crime is dropping but they are escalating their storm trooper tactics some say this is why crime is down would say the jury's out on that but if they can be convinced to bring charges against an unarmed mentally challenges person guess they are just outMariann Wang, a lawyer representing Sahar Khoshakhlagh, one of the women who was wounded, said the district attorney should be pursuing charges against the two officers who fired their weapons in a crowd, not against Mr. Broadnax. “It’s an incredibly unfortunate use of prosecutorial discretion to be prosecuting a man who didn’t even injure my client,” she said. “It’s the police who injured my client.”