Thursday, December 12, 2013

HHS to Darrell Issa: We don't trust you

The Health and Human Services Departm
ent told House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa that it won’t turn over documents related to the security of the website because it can’t trust him to keep secret information that could give hackers a roadmap to wreak havoc on the system.
Issa has issued a subpoena to MITRE, a government contractor, to turn over unredacted copies of security-testing documents by noon Friday. At issue are website development plans MITRE drafted for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which is under HHS. 
Already, Issa has been given access to the documents he seeks “in camera” — meaning committee staff were able to review them in a room but not keep them — but he is seeking physical copies.
they were able to review them what changes if he has them in his grubby hands and i believe their concern about him leaking them after all he's republican he invents his own case then search for liberal politicians to blame, they say they have no proof but make the allegation anyway and pursue it like a republican after your rights.
In a letter Thursday, Assistant Secretary for Legislation Jim Esquea told Issa that “the committee’s unwillingness to commit to undertake measures to address the security risks associated with further disclosure is troubling, particularly in light of reports that sensitive materials were disclosed through various investigations.” Administration officials worry that Issa intends to put them in the public domain, which Esquea argues could compromise the security of the site.
“As you are aware, MITRE shares our assessment regarding the risks from public disclosure of these documents and has warned, most recently in its letter of December 4, 2013, that the information they contain ‘could be used to hack the system … and may pose a risk to the confidentiality of consumer information accessible through if disclosed,” Esquea wrote, further offering to let a third party determine whether their publication could imperil the website.
“However, if you do not accept MITRE’s or our assessment of the risks from disclosure of these documents, we will make them available, with appropriate parameters governing the use of the material, for other independent security experts to judge the potential impact,” he added.
kudos he saw it that's it content won't change in his hand better take that one back he is a republican and he does make up charges without any guilty and has yet to prove any of his fruitless witch hunts, btw how much is this costing "we the people"?