Herman Cain is feeling left behind by his party.
“The RNC sent out a flyer to some of its members talking about potential 2016 presidential candidates. Do you know what they had in common? … ,” he said. “They were all white.” Where was Allen West. Where was Dr. Ben Carson. And have they ruled out the possibility that I might consider another run?”
None of this should surprise Herman Cain. If he kept his eyes open he would have seen that people like him, Allen West, Dr. Ben Carson, and other minorities’ sole purpose is to be used as props. They generally have no power or say in the direction of the Republican Party.
some of you might remember some of my postings concerning Cain and other token wannabes, i said they were fooling themselves and at the days end they were still viewed as that "N" over their that betrayed his race, i also said that after Nov.4th 2012 they needed to find a curb with a view cause they would be kicked there till next time they need them, but given that none of their tokens were able to deliver their respective voter blocks we see maybe one or two now.
he was never going to be part of the good 'ol boyz club, he was just the comedy relief which he wasn't that good because all nine or so were just as comical.