So President Obama shook Cuban President Raúl Castro's hand earlier today at the memorial service for Nelson Mandela ... and the Republican outrage machine kicked into full gear, from right-wing airwaves to the halls of Congress. Fox called it "the moment" that everyone will talk about from the memorial service, and at least in the case of conservatives like Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, that appeared to be true.
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) blasted President Obama on Tuesday after the president shook hands with Cuban leader Raul Castro at the memorial service for Nelson Mandela.“If the President was going to shake his hand, he should have asked him about those basic freedoms Mandela was associated with that are denied in Cuba,” Rubio said.But Rubio's comments were no match for Sen. John McCain, who not only accused President Obama of handing Castro a "propaganda" victory to "prop up his dictatorial regime," but also promptly violated Godwin's Law by offering this analogy:Neville Chamberlain shook Hitler's hand.
first of all they are again introducing Hitler into the rant, they have this deep seated love for all things Nazi, now McCain is sucked in he served on my ship in 1967 in Vietnam hero after he got shot down and locked up in a cage, now he to is running with the Nazi thing.
guess it's hard to understand when you are the leader you act like one not like them no home training no class.
Of course, as Meteor Blades noted earlier, it's also true that Republicans have offered up some handshakes in the past that would surely have provoked their outrage machine had it been Obama and not one of their own. I mean, can you imagine if it had been Obama and not John McCain who shook Gadafi's hand?(Remember this tweet bragging about that from McCain himself?) Heck, even Richard Nixon shook Fidel Castro's hand, though I guess Republicans these days are probably trying to accuse Nixon of being a Democrat.
they never look back they leap before looking, "he who forgets history is destine to repeat it" and repeat it they do almost on a daily basis, and they are always guilty of the same act they are condemning, when called on it they say the other side does it too, but do they nah almost never, i say that because they never back it with proof. hey didn't Bush 41 hurl on Japanese Prime minister bet he wished he'd had shook his hand.