On the House floor, Boehner said House Republicans had passed several bills to ease federal regulations, allow for more energy independence and scale back or eliminate ObamaCare. He also noted bills aimed at reforming job training programs, boosting protection from cyberattacks, and helping schools recruit and keep good teachers.
"Every single one of these bills have been blocked by Washington Democrats," Boehner said. "The Senate and the president continue to stand in the way of the people's priorities."Boehner added that the GOP is now trying to work out differences with Democrats on the budget and the farm bill, but indicated little progress so far.
why is it we haven't heard this before if Dems were blocking 150 jobs bills they would have gotten sky writers flaming signs Fox would be non stop, but all we heard was how bad ObamaCares is. they only named Keystone their sieve of a pipeline that all but destroyed Alberta Canada. if we had sat on their "bills" we would have never stopped hearing it, not just in their 11 th hour.
Boehner added that the GOP is now trying to work out differences with Democrats on the budget and the farm bill, but indicated little progress so far."Chairman [Paul] Ryan and Chairman [Frank] Lucas have made serious, good-faith efforts to Senate Democrats," he said. "When will they learn to say 'yes' to common ground? When will they start listening to the American people?"Boehner's remarks were made in the context of growing criticism about the 113th Congress, which many Democrats are saying has been the least productive in history.A recent analysis by U.S. News and World Report noted that the "do-nothing" Congress in 1947 and 1948 passed 900 bills, while the current Congress has only turned 52 bills into law so far.
empty promises come from empty containers that come from empty right wing politicians. did you notice they are now accusing Dems of what they pledged to do Nov.4th 2008. Clinton said, "it takes a lot of brass to accuse someone of what you do". habitual liars are not very good at it they speak them so often that it never occurs to them that it's on video tape stupid or that it's not factually true, but they never pass up a opportunity to tell one.