The private insurance companies participating in the exchanges set prices, which doctors and hospitals can balk at. The insurance companies set those prices in order to be able to offer more affordable plans in a competitive marketplace.
Santorum made the claim on CNN’s “State of the Union” during a spirited back-and-forth with Howard Dean, the former Vermont governor who once chaired the Democratic National Committee, over the merits of the Affordable Care Act.
desperation becomes them they falter then here half a story and pounce like a lion on a pork chop oblivious to facts hearing Preibus in the back of their head saying "we're not going to let fact checkers run our campaign"., Dec. 1: And here’s the thing that, again, no one’s talking about. The networks, in other words the doctors and hospitals that are in these exchange products, are dramatically smaller.In other words, yes, you’ll be able to get your preventive care from your doctor, but if you want to go to the children’s hospital, sorry, you can’t get that kind of specialized care from specialized doctors. Why? Because the Obama bill set prices at such levels that doctors and hospitals, particularly the ones that are in high demand, do not participate in these programs. So you’re going to see the end result be higher costs, less care, and then as a result, because they’re narrow networks, longer waits and longer lines. This is just beginning, the disaster of Obamacare.
when you have your own facts he's right real fact checkers can't tell them anything.