White supremacist Craig Cobb was stunned when his DNA test revealed he had African origins on The Trisha Goddard Show
Cobb volunteered a DNA sample to The Trisha Goddard Show for its continuing series on Race in America and the results couldn’t have been more hilarious. During the upcoming episode, Goddard revealed that Cobb’s test showed that he has African origins. Approximately 14 percent of his genes are sub-Saharan African. In short, Cobb is over one-tenth African-American.
“You have a little black in you,” Goddard informed a stunned Cobb. The audience found the results highly amusing and laughed as Cobb tried to pretend they were wrong. He also refused to fist bump Goddard- who is black- when she attempted to congratulate him for discovering a new part of himself. The news sent Cobb into a state of denial and he fell back to the conservative strategy of attacking the science. He accused the show of sabotaging the results in some sort of liberal plot to “promote multiculturalism.”
he doesn't intend to change his habits as racist as they are, but what interest me is that with all the vitriol and hate mongering by those anti Americans, they still embrace the mixed blood guy, what about the "pure" factor does it apply to all or just the ones they have not been hanging with, isn't that hypocrisy or do they just hate a little bit?
All white people have African origins
The fact is, all of humanity can trace its ancestry to Africa. Prior to humans migrating into Europe, all people had brown skin. As it turns out, white skin is a mutation that occurred after the exodus. Scientists made this discovery in 2005. Basically, no white human on the planet can say that their DNA is “pure.” White supremacists will say that the science is wrong, but that’s simply because they’re afraid to look themselves in mirror and think about the truth. Their entire belief system would shatter into a billion pieces if they did. So next time you meet a white racist, be sure to tell them all about the science, and then watch with amusement as they act just as shocked and dumbfounded as Craig Cobb did.WELCOME MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS!