Saturday, November 23, 2013

Surprise! GOP Following Scripted Plan To Attack Obamacare

notice everytime you hear Pres.'s name he's trying to get something done for us, when you hear republican it's always an attack and denial, who you like Nov. 4th 2014?
I know you are shocked -- SHOCKED -- to discover that all the Obamacare noise over the last month is the product of a very carefully orchestrated public relations campaign.
The document, the product of a series of closed-door strategy sessions that began in mid-October, is part of an increasingly organized Republican attack on the Affordable Care Act, President Obama’s signature legislative initiative. Republican strategists say that over the next several months, they intend to keep Democrats on their heels through a multilayered, sequenced assault.
At a congressional field hearing set for Friday in Gastonia, N.C., the line of attack will shift to rate shocks expected to jolt the insurance markets in the next two years. Coming soon: a push to highlight people losing access to their longtime physicians and changes in Medicare Advantage programs for older people.
weren't they just accusing Pres. of closed door meetings?  hope this shows the relentlessness of this org., we know they have done nothing positive for "we the people", and have nothing in store except more of the same for the next 3 years. 
so it's safe to say that all the time, money wasted to kill ObamaCares really have nothing to do with protecting you from the health care you deserve that they say is an abomination for the gov't to help it's citizens with affordable health care.  it's all about the Benjamins that flow the way of the insurance co.'s 
look hard at that part's record and point in  the last 5 years anything that benefited you and yours? millionaires and billionaires are exempt from this question