If you’re wondering why Sen. Rand Paul is doing Democrats’ dirty work for them, attacking Gov. Chris Christie’s self-promoting $25 million post-Sandy advertising campaign, it’s simple. He’s hoping he can get reporters to cover the intra-party feud as an early sign of GOP titans warming up for 2016, so they stop Googling his old speeches and columns and books for more evidence of plagiarism.Paul flatters himself. He’s no longer Christie’s peer in the top tier of likely 2016 candidates. Not only has he faced at least four separate charges of plagiarism in eight short days, he’s shown himself incapable of mounting a serious presidential candidacy with his whiny, entitled, self-righteous response.
couldn't have said it better myself, Rand just got read how much longer will he whines about being bullied and drops out or drops himself? either or works for me. i love the writers assertion that Paul is not Christie's peer, put him in a box and don't open till after 2016.
First he bizarrely suggested he would like to challenge his critics to "a duel." Then he told the New York Times he'll start footnoting and fact-checking "if it will make people leave me the hell alone." What a baby. Eventually he'll get what he wants, and he'll be left alone when it comes to 2016 coverage. This man would never survive the rigors of a national campaign.The best evidence of Paul's stature-slide is his new home as a "writer." After he was terminated by the Washington Times after multiple examples of plagiarism unearthed by Rachel Maddow, BuzzFeed and Politico, Paul was picked up by that bastion of journalism ethics and achievement,, which of course peddled the phony "Shirley Sherrod is a racist" story as well as the hoax that former Sen. Chuck Hagel had been paid by a nonexistent group called "Friends of Hamas.""We are pleased to add Senator Paul to our lineup of fearless, original thought leaders," Breitbart CEO Larry Sokolov said in a statement, indicating he's as unfamiliar with the concept of "original" as Paul seems to be about the meaning of "plagiarism."It remains unclear if Paul is truly dumb or just incredibly brazen when he denies to this day that he ever plagiarized anyone.
like Cruz he will flame out, we left him alone and true to form he did hisself in, the audacity of arrogance is a hard thing to pull off neither have that skill.
Breitbart tap not something you call home about or a anonymous phone booth to tell some stranger. but they cling to their phony heros too. he's not dumb just mislead by the talking points he and all of them get daily, he wold rather be a republican then a humane being. not