The anniversary of the Gettysburg Address does not seem at first glance to be a subject steeped in controversy, but that is because you are not a dull-minded hack whose quest for new controversies must never fall below the speed of 50 miles per hour, lest the whole movement die.
Obama Snubs 150th Anniversary of Gettysburg Address
I'm going to spare you the actual article under that headline. I first saw the premise being propped up yesterday as a prospective "scandal" when it slithered past in a Twitter stream via the apparently-still-around Breitbart conspiracy site. I did not think much of it, because I am not a @!$%#-for-brains, but apparently I misunderestimated just how obsessively Actual Conservative Pundits troll the conspiracy sites for fodder. Fox & Friends took it up this morning, and if that isn't ironclad proof that the story passes nicely under the you-must-be-this-stupid-to-enter bar than nothing is.
if we continue to stand by and let right wing fantasies influence our thinking then they have won and those that are concentrated on are also losers manipulation that you are not aware of calls for personal common sense, that which has been programmed into your mindset, is the most dangerous thing in the world.
a bomb though devastating does it in one fell swoop, mind molding last forever unless those who weren't help those who were.
G W Bush, "you can fool some of the people all of the time and those are the ones you want to concentrate on", they have put a cross hairs on Americans for decades and that time was spent molding the right wing with a spill over to some Progressives in short we are lab rats and the republicans are the mad scientist.
Fox News's Brian Kilmeade discussed with Wall Street Journal columnist Daniel Henninger whether it is "inappropriate for our president to bypass" the commemoration ceremony of the 150th anniversary of the Gettysburg Address during the November 19 edition of Fox & Friends.At one point Kilmeade asked whether Henninger thought Obama was refusing to attend because "after that address and after the Civil War we still weren't a perfect union? We still had to wait for the Civil Rights Act and so many -- the integration of schools, Brown vs. the Board of Education?" Henninger replied, "I think probably that President Obama does think the unfinished business remains unfinished in bringing the country and its races together."
i'm sick of my party's reluctance to get out the real 411 instead of letting the right wing radical ranting to stand. the talk show people allow their rant to be the last one heard, morning joe is getting more like "fox and friends cousins on that other network".
it appears there is more indifference to the Black Pres. then might have been noticed before, why aren't his own people out there supporting the party mantra instead of wanting re-election so they too like the republicans can be ineffective for the rest of his presidency. those in those red states if you're not going to crap get off the pot.