Friday, November 15, 2013

Did Medicare Part D have the same rollout problems as the Obamacare online marketplaces?

TrueDemocrats are pleading for patience as they try to reassure the country that the online insurance marketplaces critical to President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul can be fixed.
Big programs have seen rocky rollouts only to achieve success later, they say. Their top example: the 2005 launch of Medicare Part D, President George W. Bush’s prescription drug benefit plan.
"Things went wrong with the Medicare prescription D plan that George Bush rolled out," Rep. Steve Israel, D-N.Y., told MSNBC on Nov. 6. "When things go wrong, there are two things we can do as a country. We can spend all our time figuring out who to blame, or we can spend all our time figuring out how to fix it."
and there you go folks, during the time Part D was trying  to find a home Dems rallied together for the good of the country and helped to fix it, now that the shoe is on the other foot republicans are nowhere in sight to help but in full effect when it comes to brow beating Pres. and demonizing to scare you away.  if you ever wondered what the difference between the parties are, there it is in living color.
Eight years after it went live, Medicare Part D is now widely popular among the seniors who use it.
Were there major problems with the rollout of Medicare Part D? And were they comparable to the challenges facing Obamacare? We decided to take a more a detailed look at its implementation. We rated Israel's statement True. Read our report forfull details.
some of us ae unwittingly carrying the republican water, by bandwagon type comments, is this not worth waiting for now that it's here and a few keystrokes away or when there was nothing in sight but more taxes and deregulation and no social programs?