Thursday, November 7, 2013

Daily Kos: Lindsey Graham inherits Marco Rubio's unwanted abortion ban bill

Remember this?
Article PhotoSen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) will introduce a bill in the Senate banning abortions 20 weeks after conception, the Weekly Standard reported Tuesday.
And do you remember how Rubio spent the next few weeks waffling, initially denying that he would be the bill's sponsor, then saying that he wanted to "be the bill's lead sponsor" but that it would be okay with him "if somebody else wanted to do it"?
Well, now we know the lucky winner of Rubio's game of abortion hot potato:
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) on Thursday introduced legislation that would ban abortions nationwide for women more than 20 weeks pregnant, the senator's office announced.
Lindsey is calling it the "Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act" but given that he faces a primary challenge, it's probably better to think of it as the "Pain-Capable Scared Incumbent Republican Senator Protection Act."
in no way resistant to the idea but what they are now doing to born children depriving their homes of food stamps for one thing how can you be gung ho about saving a kid you have never seen or know and give a less than gnat crap about them after they are born, it's ungodly it's hateful and prejudicial but we care to embrace and give rights to that we know nothing about about in favor of those we do know and can see and talk to and guide to that person you want to make a proud American
they need to stop this fraud of caring they care about nothing, they are trying to claim empathy for the unborn while they crap all over those who are born, they want fraud it's all on their side of the fence the one with the yellow grass, ours looks greener because they pee all over theirs.