Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Ted Cruz Warns That Shutdown Could Lead To A Terrorist Attack Against U.S.

Ted Cruzhe's right and it started in 2010 with a bunch of funny looking people with tri cornered hats with lipton tea bags swinging like christmas tree bulbs, they have done as much damage if not more to America it terrorizes us with threats of debt ceilings and if we don't give up our health care we will stay closed till our last dime and breath.  taking food stamps food out of babies mouths.

no jobs unless we open their leaky pipeline keystone  that ladies and gentlemen are acts of terror and don't mistake it for a bomb this impact is not city wide it's nation wide.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on Wednesday raised fears that the shutdown of the federal government that he helped launch could potentially lead to an attack on the United States of America, calling on his fellow senators to to pass a separate resolution funding the Defense Department.
Cruz was speaking at a hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee related to reforms of the Foreign Surveillance Intelligence Act. Earlier in the hearing, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper informed members of the committee that the federal shutdown had caused the suspension of 70 percent of the intelligence community’s civilian work force.
 In response, Cruz suggested that a miniature continuing resolution funding only the Department of Defense and the intelligence community could be passed through the Senate today. “I don’t believe President Obama should be playing politics with this,” he said. “He shouldn’t be refusing to negotiate or compromise.”
looking out for the old MIC that's mighty right of him keep the bribe money flowing while they shut down America and "we the people".