Tuesday, October 8, 2013

O’Donnell corrects Boehner’s hazy debt ceiling history

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell threw cold water on House Speaker John Boehner’s “inaccurate” assertion that presidents have used the nation’s debt limit as a bargaining chip throughout the years.
Boehner recently said, “Every president in modern history has negotiated over a debt limit. Debt limits have been used to force big policy changes in Washington.”
O’Donnell pointed out in his Rewrite segment on Monday that “raising the debt ceiling was never difficult before John Boehner’s House of Representatives.”
this is what we should be doing every time they mislead we should be straightening out that path to the truth.  they have gotten away for so long do to out indifference and not realizing their base does not follow any laws of nature or politics, so what we see as truth they don't see at all.
Chuck Todd did his self no good by saying it wasn't his job to correct a lie being told on his show to his viewers that sounds like he gives more concern that those who do lie get a chance to do that rather then have a informed viewership, he has a fiduciary responsiblity to us not to misinform or have us mislead.
in response to Beohner's "every Pres. has negotiated over debt limit"  here's the correction they never printed,
“There is exactly one Speaker of the House in modern history who has seriously tried to negotiate over a debt limit…that Speaker of the House is not speaking the truth about the debt ceiling.” said O’Donnell.