On the heels of a cancelled school trip to Mammoth Cave, 9-year-old Meredith Gold fired off an e-mail to three congressmen from her home state of Kentucky asking that they get their act together. Mammoth Cave is a national park, and due to the government shutdown, it is closed to the public.Expressing her disappointment, Gold wrote:"Some kids may not be able to go to places like these unless they go there with their class. Also my family loves going to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. We were going to go there next week, but now maybe not."She speaks the truth. Attempting to encourage compromise, Gold would continued: "At my school when we get into disagreements we compromise, work as a team, use leadership, have a positive attitude, and respect each other. I encourage you to do this in Washington, D.C."
you go girl, "and a little child shall lead them", given they are immune to embarrassment i think they will like every other American ignore her.
kudos to her parents for recognizing exactly where to send that letter and whose to blame. i hope she carries this experience and it's morality with her through life we need women of conviction because i feel a new wave of politicians are just around the bend.
men have screwed it up from the beginning America needs to get off her fickled butt and start looking out for those that would look out for all of us.