this is a expression of my personal thoughts as well as an observance of what I as a Vietnam Vet sees the United States that I fought for 48 years ago was and is returning to those dark times I am worried!!
Monday, September 2, 2013
Rand Paul: Boehner Will Be Overthrown If He Passes Senate Immigration Bill
he and those people are not the majority, we the people of anti Americanism
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) warned House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) that he must slam the door on House-Senate conference negotiations over immigration reform or he could be overthrown.
"He has to hold the line. If he passes -- if he allows something to pass out of conference that looks anything like the Senate bill, and it is passed with a majority of Democrats, I think that will be the final thing he does as Speaker," Paul told Laura Ingraham's radio show on Friday. "I think he knows that, and I think he's going to be very cautious."
he is a racist he does not want to fill the country with potential Progressive voters which i might add is their fault hating on those who potentially one day decide your future is dumb republican stupid, you will meet those you kicked off the ladder on your way back down they could help you back up if they all lost their memories.
"I'm worried about conference," he said. "And what I would say is, the only way to avoid a problem with conference is for the Speaker of the House to say we are not going to conference and we will not allow a vote on anything coming out of conference that resembles a vote on the Senate bill."
that to me sounds as if he knows that the rest of the gang is not as bigoted as he and he values his radical ideal of denial is not the majority, so rather than majority rule he'll sink the whole damn thing typical right wing reaction to not getting their way, tea anyone?