On August 26th, 2013, just four days prior to the day that Gilberton Pennsylvania Police Chief Mark Kessler was scheduled to complete his suspension, Kessler posted a new video online, which has since led to accusations of threatening public officials.
Gilberton Police Chief Kessler was originally suspended near the end of July for videos posted online which show him firing an assault weapon and calling for the killing of “libtards.” In one video, Kessler is seen firing his assault weapon into a paper target, which he clearly states is US Secretary of State John Kerry.In another, he states the target represents Democratic Representative and House Minority Leader, Nancy Pelosi. Kessler received a thirty day suspension for using Gilberton Borough Property in those earlier videos, without authority or permission. The assault weapon which Kessler brandished and fired in the videos belongs to the Gilberton Police Department.In the new video Kessler shows off his two “new targets.” The first one he names “Eric.” Holding up a target with an evil clown face printed on the front, he states that Eric is a “libtard” who likes to “strong arm” and “threaten” people. Kessler then says that “Eric” is going to meet a friend of his today. He proceeds to bring out his assault weapon, saying that it has “been all over the world” and “taken many lives.”“…the insane libtard clown Eric, cuz he’s a f’ing clown… Eric’s gonna meet my friend today.”
the insanity of the insane, why aren't they announcing his dismissal and a stay in the rubber room pending trial.
Later in the video Kessler says“So I am going to take Eric out into the field over there and he’s going to be ranting and raving and carrying on… This is my target, Eric.”Kessler holds up the evil clown faced target at this point.There are only two conclusions to be drawn from this part of the video. 1. Kessler believes that a paper target has the ability to rant and rave and carry on – and thus should be terminated from his job as Chief of Police for mental health reasons or 2. Kessler is not referring to a paper target, when he says he is going to take “Eric” out into the field to meet his friend, the assault weapon.The Vice-President of Gilberton Borough is a gentleman by the name of Eric Boxer. Kessler has stated on numerous occasions that he blames Boxer for his suspension.
is this guy snorting gun powder? i begs to question how many other crackpot law enforcement is off their rocker and still in office, sheriff Arpaio comes to mind, the people who elect these people on the strength of how much vitriol they can spew are the one's who need to re access their way of picking the one who talks the wild crap, it ain't always the best candidate. recognize