MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry had harsh words for G. Todd Baugh, the Montana judge who has drawn national criticism over his decision to give a 49-year-old man a 30-day jail sentence for the rape of a 14-year-old girl who later committed suicide.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were exchanging your judicial robes for a Republican seat in Congress, ’cause you’re sounding a lot like former Senator Todd ‘legitimate rape’ Akin, before his comments got him voted out of office,” Harris-Perry said in an “open letter” to Baugh on Saturday.
she has a point it seems to be status quo to dismiss or pat on the wrist or back if you rape, all the republicans we heard that had their down home remedies aspirin between the knees, God's plan, if it was legitimate, shows there is no respect for woman on that side of the fence.
what about the women on that side are they just loan outs to republican back room parties, because they seem to have no voice or have no desire to voice the reprehensible treatment by the republicans who those same women deny that there is a war against them.
what is it with republican voters people normally vote their interest, is this what the republican constituiency's interest is or are they not "normal" voters, has the right wing plan worked better than anticipated?<br/>G W Bush, "you can fool some of the people all of the time and those are the ones you want to concentrate on".