another right wing failed plan of intrusion of womens bodies.
Read it and weep, conservatives. The overall US teen pregnancy rate has fallen six percent and it’s all thanks to contraception knowledge and access. Meanwhile, in abstinence-only red states, the rate remains high as the Republican war on comprehensive sex education and birth control rages on.
The National Center for Health Statistics reports that the national teen pregnancy rate now stands at 29.4 births per thousand teens 15-19 years of age. The 2012 rate is the lowest on record in the 73 year history in which the government has collected the data. According to CDC surveys of high schoolers examined by Dr. John Santelli, the trend downward is the result of increased usage of contraception.
“There is not much evidence of a change in abortion use and not much change in sexual activity,” Santelli says. “What we have seen is greater availability of much more effective birth control methods.”
don't look for a oop's my bad from the republicans they will just come up with more down home remedies to be laughed at.
Because of an increase of contraception usage, teen girls are preventing themselves from having an unwanted pregnancy that heightens their chances of having an abortion, ending up in poverty, or quitting school.And why are teen girls increasing their usage of contraception? Since taking office, the Obama Administration has made a point of increasing access to contraception. Not only do we have the Affordable Care Act, that mandates insurance companies to cover contraception as part of health plans, the FDA has made birth control available over the counter to women as young as 15. But that’s not all.It’s not enough to have more access to contraception, teen girls also have to know about contraception, which is where comprehensive sex education comes in. Comprehensive sex education teaches teens how to protect themselves if they choose to have sex. When teens are armed with the knowledge to protect themselves, they are more than likely to do so.
once again the Obama admin implemented this and you see the results the republicans want your body to shut down conception itself with no help from them or if all else fails there is that aspirin thing.
the republicans have shut down clinics criminalized any attempt at safety and as soon as they figure out how to criminalize sexual activity except in the case of rape you know the illegitimate kind after all boys will be assaulter if left to them