Georgia Insurance Commissioner Ralph Hudgens (R) boasted to a crowd of Republicans that his office is creating bureaucratic hurdles to slow down and derail the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, also known as “Obamacare.”
Atlanta Journal-Constitution columnist Jay Bookman reported that earlier this month, Hudgens boasted to an audience of Republicans in Floyd County, “Let me tell you what we’re doing (about Obamacare). Everything in our power to be an obstructionist.”Activist Bryan Long of the group Better Georgia told Raw Story, “I have nothing more to say than to point out Ralph’s own words, that he and the governor are obstructionists on Obamacare and that’s the role they’ve chosen. Hopefully people in Georgia will realize that this is one more way that our insurance commissioner and our governor are doing everything they can to obstruct the law and to keep health insurance from most Georgia residents.”“It’s sad,” he said.
it will only be sad if those who are for it lose out because of the republican denial of health care to them those who vote with the right wing laugh and cheer now cry and beg later.
given the republican propensity to lie and go overboard to push the lie, their willingness to sink the country just to deny the Pres. doesn't that tell you how important and correct this ACA will be for you for them to go through such great lengths to try and kill the "LAW".
In Floyd County, a grinning Hudgens allowed the waves of applause and cries of “Amen!” to wash over him as he detailed one of the ways his office is sabotaging the plan to bring affordable health coverage to the 19.7 percent of people who are currently uninsured among Georgia’s population of 9.92 million. Georgia had the fifth highest percentage of uninsured citizens in the country as of 2012.Hudgens’ plan targets the Affordable Care Act’s provision that calls for “navigators” to be hired by organizations to help people shop for policies on the open market. The government is offering training programs and grants to help create the positions.“We have passed a law that says that a navigator, which is a position in that exchange, has to be licensed by our Department of Insurance,” Hudgens told the audience. “The ObamaCare law says that we cannot require them to be an insurance agent, so we said fine, we’ll just require them to be a licensed navigator. So we’re going to make up the test, and basically you take the insurance agent test, you erase the name, you write ‘navigator test’ on it.”
this is your republican tax dollar at work feverishly trying to prevent your wellness, the audacity of arrogance has them passing laws to counter federal laws and those who cheered as they did when PA. guy said "voter ID will allow Romney to win PA., done", for those who are not blinded by the fumes of elephant dung everything they oppose that Pres. initiates is something good for you or your state, those who oppose and side with the republicans are denying themselves their children and elderly family members and cheering about it, how blissful their life must be. he's grinning alright because he's thinking "how stupid can they be".