curious as to who would put them to death the statement itself implies they would be living so that counters any action of God, who are these mortal religious executioners?
A Christian radio host told his listeners this week that he had no problem with them attending “gay weddings” as long as same sex couples were also told that they had “committed an abomination and they shall both be put to death.”In a clip posted by Right Wing Watch on Thrusday, host Kevin Swanson ranted that the “pink mafia” had forced an Oregon wedding cake business to shut down after it refused to serve same sex couples.Swanson said that it may be best to stay out of the wedding cake business, and then tackled the question of whether people should even attend same sex marriage ceremonies.
christian hmmm, i remember the fire and brimstone sermons back in the day, but this is is bigotry not teaching of what was to give a lesson as to what could be, this is damnation.
“I have no problem attending happy weddings,” he explained. “Okay, if there is a gay wedding and everybody is gay, everybody is happy, I have no problem with people attending a happy wedding. Okay? But I’m not real big on attending Neronic weddings. So, I draw a distinction between gay weddings and Neronic weddings… Neronic weddings is what Nero came up with when he said, let’s do same sex weddings.”
no one knows how Jesus would approach this today, given his record as recorded he forgave everyone and never spoke vehemently of anyone but the money changers in the temple, feel free to correct me.
so are they really teaching religion as laid out in the bible or are they usurping it's intent and turning it into a war of persecution to satisfy their own agenda, and how many ofthem are preaching from the closet?