With the United States apparently on the verge of launching military strikes in Syria, senior administration officials will brief members of the congressional leadership, as well as the chairmen and top-ranking minority-party on national security committees, on the situation Thursday.
Many members of Congress, even some who are inclined to support military action, have expressed a belief that the White House should consult with lawmakers — or even seek authorization — before using military force. Still others are miffed that only a handful of lawmakers are given information about possible acts of war by the United States.
we know this is just the republicans making Pres. jump through hoops, and posturing. we also know had Romney been elected this would not be an issue they would have already been engaged. you've heard all the posturing blaming Pres. for "inaction" and "we can't let this happen", "he's not leading" and like everything else they complain about when he does it they challenge and accuse him of impeachable offenses. know this he will never be right, or win or be acknowledged by republicans who seek to have history portray him as a keystone cop in the WH second only to Bush.
“It will take presidential leadership and a clear explanation of our policy, our interests, and our objectives to gain public and Congressional support for any military action against Syria,” House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) wrote to Obama in a letter sent Wednesday.
they have not approved anything before i think they are bullying him into this so they can pick it apart, they have not had an idea since the one to sink this admin in 2008 they like a vulture on a tree limb waiting to swoop down and kill any Obama initiative, this is a set up to fail, Beohner is parroting the T-Per's demands for the moderate republicans to do it their way, he knows better but all he can do is cry.
note how they throw around Presidental leadership which they won't allow by blocking him, what we need is a congress not of home grown terrorist, scaring their party into "the do nothingest party ever".