they claim everything in Texas is big guess that includes the political arrogance of power.
Allen police say they handled the case just as they would any other case of a relative calling about an inmate. The sergeant on duty explained that Bevers was charged with a Class B misdemeanor and would be transferred to the Collin County Sheriff's Office for arraignment.Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst (R) reportedly called 911 when a relative was in jail and tried to use his influence to convince officials to release her. According to CBS Dallas-Ft. Worth, Dewhurst made the call on August 3, four hours after his niece was arrested for shoplifting at an Allen, TX Kroger grocery store.
“This is David Dewhurst, the Lieutenant Governor of the State of Texas, and I want to talk to your senior officer who is there at your department right now,” Dewhurst said at the beginning of the call.When the Republican got a police sergeant on the phone, he proceeded to insist that his niece, Ellen Bevers, is “the sweetest person in the world,” and that she should be released as quickly as possible.
Dewhurst asked for the county judge's phone number, but the officer would not give it to him."What do I need to do to not circumvent anything, follow the law, because this is ridiculous," Dewhurst insisted.
all of his request was riddled with suggestion of special treatment he starts off with who he is in an intimidating manner, then when he see's that's going nowhere he tries to turn it down, but he had already sewed the seeds of nepotism.
A spokesperson for the Allen Police Department, Sgt. John Felty, said that neither his department nor the lieutenant governor did anything wrong, "He didn't threaten anybody. He didn't demand anything. He didn't ask for anything that was above and beyond what a normal citizen would."
normal citizens are not Lt Gov., they don't ask for the county judge's phone number which suggest he thought he could get some sort of consideration, far far from the normal citizen. they must not like this guy you would think Texas would grant such a request guess i was wrong in this instance, my bad. demanding i think there was inference there. the main thing that suggest special treatment was the girl was guilty she was a criminal
“What I would like to do is if you would explain to me, sergeant, what I would need to do to arrange for getting her out of jail this evening,” he said. “You can proceed with whatever you think is proper.”
it was nice after it seemed the sgt. was in a "so what" mode to tell him do whatever he thinks is proper that suggest his mindset at first was that of nepotism and he felt entitled to exercise it.