Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Tennessee church bans family after daughter wins same sex benefits from town

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After 60 years of attending a Tennessee church, a family in Collegedale has been exiled because they supported their daughter while she fought for same sex benefits from the town where she worked as a police detective.
Earlier this month, Collegedale became the first city in Tennessee to offer same sex benefits after Detective Kat Cooper was initially denied health benefits for her wife, Krista. The couple was married in Maryland earlier this year.
But that victory turned out to be bittersweet because leaders at Ridgedale Church of Christ gave Kat Cooper’s mother, aunt and uncle an ultimatum during a private meeting after worship services on Sunday.
“They could repent for their sins and ask forgiveness in front of the congregation. Or leave the church,” The Chattanooga Times Free Press reported on Wednesday.
“My mother was up here and she sat beside me. That’s it,” Kat Cooper explained to reporter Kevin Hardy. “Literally, they’re exiling members for unconditionally loving their children — and even extended family members.”
Ridgedale Church of Christ Pastor Ken Willis said that something had to be done because the family was publicly endorsing homosexuality by supporting their daughter.  “The sin would be endorsing that lifestyle,” Willis insisted. “The Bible speaks very plainly about that.”
what will God do to all those who worship bigotry and not Christianity, i applaud that family for choosing their daugher over a blasphemous church of hate.
does the Bible say to hate and demean your homosexual child?
“The sin would be endorsing that lifestyle,” Willis insisted. “The Bible speaks very plainly about that.”
“But you certainly can’t condone that lifestyle, whether it’s any kind of sin — whether they’re shacked up with someone or living in a state of fornication or they’re guilty of crimes,” he added. “You don’t condone it. You still love them as a parent.”
Kat Cooper’s father, Hunt, said that he was devastated at having to leave the church that his family nearly founded, but the decision was simple for his wife, her brother and her sister.
“There’s no sin to repent for,” he pointed out to the Times Free Press. “And she’s not going to turn her back on her daughter.”
that is as all in the Bible is,  to some the word of God as their ways see them others the same but with their thoughts controlling their interpretation.
There are a handful of Scriptures (five or eight depending upon how one counts) that specifically speak of same-sex intimacy as unacceptable to God. Conservatives or traditionalists see these as reflecting God’s timeless will for human relationships. Progressives look at these same scriptures in much the same way that progressives in the nineteenth century looked at the Bible’s teaching on slavery. They believe that these verses capture the cultural understandings and practices of sexuality in biblical times, but do not reflect God’s will for gay and lesbian people.