wonder was all this BS wrapped in faux rights just a right wing creation to defy the new Black Pres., they are the ones with the caricatures the nazi symbols references to Hitler and the swastikas only other groups that did this were real Nazi's and skin heads.
remember the right wing started negotiating plans in 2008 after election loss, makes you go hmmmm, was there so much racism underlying in America that they just flocked to the opportunity to kill the whole thing because they didn't get the White guy, than went horribly wrong?
Will the Pauls ever successfully distance themselves from allegations of racism? Since they first came to light in 2008, the controversies surrounding the publication of racist newsletters bearing Ron Paul's name has been well- analyzed and well- documented.Senator Rand Paul experienced similar scrutiny a couple of months ago when it was revealed that one of his aides was a talk radio host named "the Southern Avenger" who once belonged to a group advocating Southern secession.Even though the aide resigned last month, Senator Paul has repeatedly tried to defend himself from the controversy in the past couple of weeks.Now, the Southern Poverty Law Center reports that the elder Paul will provide the keynote address at a week-long conference in Canada sponsored by the Fatima Center, described as "part of the radical traditionalist Catholic movement [and] perhaps the single largest group of hard-core anti-Semites in North America."
the republicans made a big deal with trying to characterize the Pres. by the people that he came across in his life, goose gander seems appropriate here.
Ignoring the philosophical question of why a civil libertarian would speak at a conference vehemently denying the separation of church and state, it may remain difficult to see why this revelation qualifies as news for U.S. politics. Ron Paul as an individual is hardly of significance at this point, given that he is no longer a Ccongressman and the spotlight continues to shine on his son. The event is not even in the United States. And there is nothing in the report that actually proves Ron Paul to be an anti-Semite, although Jonathan Chait accurately notes that at least two other speakers at the conference certainly are.Yet, the story is still significant, primarily because both men have become intrinsically connected with the philosophy of libertarianism. In the wake of Republican soul-searching and the NSA surveillance revelations, the growing libertarian movement is on the verge of transforming the American landscape, in large part due to the efforts of both the older and younger Paul.The story, then, raises the fundamental question of whether or not the allegations of racism will eventually undermine the political movement that both Ron and Rand have come to lead and symbolize.The Economist recently noted the historical association between libertarian movements and white identity politics in the United States. On the surface, this may sound strange since the philosophical core of libertarianism, the triumph of individual liberty, implicitly condemns the limitations imposed upon the individual by racial discrimination.Yet in a country as triumphant of individual freedoms as it is scarred by the history of race, it may not actually be that surprising. The libertarian emphasis on limited government often echoes the state's rights rhetoric used to justify the neo-Confederate movements long associated with the last openly racist elements of American society.
does this mean the T-Party will morph into the Libertarian enity or will there be a third contender in the republican civil war?